
Polymers that remains forever

With a presence across the length & breadth of India and a footprint of over 3 decades, Aqazo Polymers is one of the leading polymer-based Water Tanks manufacturers and Piping Solutions provider in India.

As a leading water tank supplier & Piping Solutions, we strive to transfer water in the most efficient manner by continuously innovating and delivering products to conserve the elixir of life..

More About Us

Ceramic -
IndustryWater Tank Storages

This Specialized tanks are manufactured using high quality LLDPE virgin polymers, a naturally proven polymer for longest life when exposed to sunlight and designed for long lasting and durability. Our innovative aero dynamic design gives our products multi dimension advantage in terms of being economical, lighter, and highly durable. Aqazo offers wide range of products having capacity from 150 litres to 20,000 litres with multiple layer & colour options.

"Specially designed for the need of ceramic industries.Material and designs are different from the regular water tank storages"

Aqazo Polymers is an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company. All operations done in our unit follow norms which are set as per IS standards. Hence there is no compromise with quality.
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  • Suction Hose Pipes

    Suction Hose pipes are a specific type of pipes used in drafting operations, when a fire engine uses a vacuum to draw water from a portable water tank, pool, or other static water source. It is built to withstand vacuum, rather than pressure, abrasion, and heat.
    Szőnyeg és kárpit tisztító
  • Ceramic Industry Water Tank Storages

    This Specialized tanks are manufactured using high quality LLDPE virgin polymers, a naturally proven polymer for longest life when exposed to sunlight and designed for long lasting and durability.
  • Water Tanks

    Aqazo water Tanks are a superior quality Rotational Moulding water Tank conforming to IS 12701:1996 . Polyethylene (PE) of Rotational Moulded Grade, which is duly stabilized with anti-oxidants is used as raw material for the manufacturing of the tank. The compound hence formed, provides protection against heat and oxidation of tanks. The nominal service temperature of Vectus ISI Tanks varies from 1 degree to 50 degree Celsius.
    Pohármosó és mosogatószer
  • Garden Pipes

    Ipari és lakossági üvegtisztítószer, minden lemosható felületre, mint ablaküveg, tükör, csempe, autókarosszéria stb.
    Üveg és tükör tisztító


Aqazo Polymers established in 2021 with the aim of manufacturing Suction Pipes and other polymer items in India. Today, we cover the needs of hundreds of households, while adding extra mileage to India’s developing real estate fraternity with the hallmark of unbeaten quality. Aqazo Polymers aims to be a truly global, high-performing organization delivering quality products and services to its customers and attain leadership position in the industries we operate in. Our values are aimed at creating an innovative, high-performance organization committed towards providing quality products to our customers. These values define our conduct with customers, partners, shareholders, employees, and society."

Feel Quality in every plastic-"Aqazo polymers".

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Contact Us

Aqazo Polymers
Nichimandal Cross Road, Vankda Road,
Road, Morbi, Gujarat 363642
Telephone: +91 98796 17123

Get in touch with us!